26 research outputs found

    Occlusion-Aware Depth Estimation with Adaptive Normal Constraints

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    We present a new learning-based method for multi-frame depth estimation from a color video, which is a fundamental problem in scene understanding, robot navigation or handheld 3D reconstruction. While recent learning-based methods estimate depth at high accuracy, 3D point clouds exported from their depth maps often fail to preserve important geometric feature (e.g., corners, edges, planes) of man-made scenes. Widely-used pixel-wise depth errors do not specifically penalize inconsistency on these features. These inaccuracies are particularly severe when subsequent depth reconstructions are accumulated in an attempt to scan a full environment with man-made objects with this kind of features. Our depth estimation algorithm therefore introduces a Combined Normal Map (CNM) constraint, which is designed to better preserve high-curvature features and global planar regions. In order to further improve the depth estimation accuracy, we introduce a new occlusion-aware strategy that aggregates initial depth predictions from multiple adjacent views into one final depth map and one occlusion probability map for the current reference view. Our method outperforms the state-of-the-art in terms of depth estimation accuracy, and preserves essential geometric features of man-made indoor scenes much better than other algorithms.Comment: ECCV 202

    Large-scale data for multiple-view stereopsis

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    The seminal multiple-view stereo benchmark evaluations from Middlebury and by Strecha et al. have played a major role in propelling the development of multi-view stereopsis (MVS) methodology. The somewhat small size and variability of these data sets, however, limit their scope and the conclusions that can be derived from them. To facilitate further development within MVS, we here present a new and varied data set consisting of 80 scenes, seen from 49 or 64 accurate camera positions. This is accompanied by accurate structured light scans for reference and evaluation. In addition all images are taken under seven different lighting conditions. As a benchmark and to validate the use of our data set for obtaining reasonable and statistically significant findings about MVS, we have applied the three state-of-the-art MVS algorithms by Campbell et al., Furukawa et al., and Tola et al. to the data set. To do this we have extended the evaluation protocol from the Middlebury evaluation, necessitated by the more complex geometry of some of our scenes. The data set and accompanying evaluation framework are made freely available online. Based on this evaluation, we are able to observe several characteristics of state-of-the-art MVS, e.g. that there is a tradeoff between the quality of the reconstructed 3D points (accuracy) and how much of an object’s surface is captured (completeness). Also, several issues that we hypothesized would challenge MVS, such as specularities and changing lighting conditions did not pose serious problems. Our study finds that the two most pressing issues for MVS are lack of texture and meshing (forming 3D points into closed triangulated surfaces)

    From Multiview Image Curves to 3D Drawings

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    Reconstructing 3D scenes from multiple views has made impressive strides in recent years, chiefly by correlating isolated feature points, intensity patterns, or curvilinear structures. In the general setting - without controlled acquisition, abundant texture, curves and surfaces following specific models or limiting scene complexity - most methods produce unorganized point clouds, meshes, or voxel representations, with some exceptions producing unorganized clouds of 3D curve fragments. Ideally, many applications require structured representations of curves, surfaces and their spatial relationships. This paper presents a step in this direction by formulating an approach that combines 2D image curves into a collection of 3D curves, with topological connectivity between them represented as a 3D graph. This results in a 3D drawing, which is complementary to surface representations in the same sense as a 3D scaffold complements a tent taut over it. We evaluate our results against truth on synthetic and real datasets.Comment: Expanded ECCV 2016 version with tweaked figures and including an overview of the supplementary material available at multiview-3d-drawing.sourceforge.ne

    Polarimetric Multi-View Inverse Rendering

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    A polarization camera has great potential for 3D reconstruction since the angle of polarization (AoP) of reflected light is related to an object's surface normal. In this paper, we propose a novel 3D reconstruction method called Polarimetric Multi-View Inverse Rendering (Polarimetric MVIR) that effectively exploits geometric, photometric, and polarimetric cues extracted from input multi-view color polarization images. We first estimate camera poses and an initial 3D model by geometric reconstruction with a standard structure-from-motion and multi-view stereo pipeline. We then refine the initial model by optimizing photometric and polarimetric rendering errors using multi-view RGB and AoP images, where we propose a novel polarimetric rendering cost function that enables us to effectively constrain each estimated surface vertex's normal while considering four possible ambiguous azimuth angles revealed from the AoP measurement. Experimental results using both synthetic and real data demonstrate that our Polarimetric MVIR can reconstruct a detailed 3D shape without assuming a specific polarized reflection depending on the material.Comment: Paper accepted in ECCV 202

    VPR-Bench: An Open-Source Visual Place Recognition Evaluation Framework with Quantifiable Viewpoint and Appearance Change

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    Visual place recognition (VPR) is the process of recognising a previously visited place using visual information, often under varying appearance conditions and viewpoint changes and with computational constraints. VPR is related to the concepts of localisation, loop closure, image retrieval and is a critical component of many autonomous navigation systems ranging from autonomous vehicles to drones and computer vision systems. While the concept of place recognition has been around for many years, VPR research has grown rapidly as a field over the past decade due to improving camera hardware and its potential for deep learning-based techniques, and has become a widely studied topic in both the computer vision and robotics communities. This growth however has led to fragmentation and a lack of standardisation in the field, especially concerning performance evaluation. Moreover, the notion of viewpoint and illumination invariance of VPR techniques has largely been assessed qualitatively and hence ambiguously in the past. In this paper, we address these gaps through a new comprehensive open-source framework for assessing the performance of VPR techniques, dubbed “VPR-Bench”. VPR-Bench (Open-sourced at: https://github.com/MubarizZaffar/VPR-Bench) introduces two much-needed capabilities for VPR researchers: firstly, it contains a benchmark of 12 fully-integrated datasets and 10 VPR techniques, and secondly, it integrates a comprehensive variation-quantified dataset for quantifying viewpoint and illumination invariance. We apply and analyse popular evaluation metrics for VPR from both the computer vision and robotics communities, and discuss how these different metrics complement and/or replace each other, depending upon the underlying applications and system requirements. Our analysis reveals that no universal SOTA VPR technique exists, since: (a) state-of-the-art (SOTA) performance is achieved by 8 out of the 10 techniques on at least one dataset, (b) SOTA technique in one community does not necessarily yield SOTA performance in the other given the differences in datasets and metrics. Furthermore, we identify key open challenges since: (c) all 10 techniques suffer greatly in perceptually-aliased and less-structured environments, (d) all techniques suffer from viewpoint variance where lateral change has less effect than 3D change, and (e) directional illumination change has more adverse effects on matching confidence than uniform illumination change. We also present detailed meta-analyses regarding the roles of varying ground-truths, platforms, application requirements and technique parameters. Finally, VPR-Bench provides a unified implementation to deploy these VPR techniques, metrics and datasets, and is extensible through templates

    Single-Image Depth Prediction Makes Feature Matching Easier

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    Good local features improve the robustness of many 3D re-localization and multi-view reconstruction pipelines. The problem is that viewing angle and distance severely impact the recognizability of a local feature. Attempts to improve appearance invariance by choosing better local feature points or by leveraging outside information, have come with pre-requisites that made some of them impractical. In this paper, we propose a surprisingly effective enhancement to local feature extraction, which improves matching. We show that CNN-based depths inferred from single RGB images are quite helpful, despite their flaws. They allow us to pre-warp images and rectify perspective distortions, to significantly enhance SIFT and BRISK features, enabling more good matches, even when cameras are looking at the same scene but in opposite directions.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication at the European conference on computer vision (ECCV) 202

    P036 A comparative study of cell culture inserts for in vitro modeling of the cystic fibrosis airway epithelium

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    Objectives: To generate physiologically relevant models to study the human airways, researchers are relying on cell cultures grown as organoids in hydrogel or Air-liquid interface (ALI) cultures in transwells. A consequence of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and the current war in Ukraine, have been a global shortage on lab consumables including Corning Transwells, typically used for airway ALI cultures. One way to overcome this supply issue, is to use alternative cell culture inserts. In this study, we compared ALI cultures grown on available commercial inserts, to ensure exchangeability and reproducibility across brands.Methods: Airway epithelial basal cells were seeded on the inserts and differentiation was monitored over a 4 week period. We used an immortalized cell line and primary cells from CF and non-CF airways. After 4 weeks in ALI culture, we measured cell layer thickness, epithelial integrity, and cellular composition. The cultures were additionally tested as infection models, measuring bacterial penetration, cytotoxicity, and cytokine secretion upon 14 hours of co-culture with bacteria specifically prevalent in CF airways.Results: We found significant morphological differences in the ALI cultures grown in different inserts, this included variation in both cell layer thickness and differentiation status. Several tested inserts supported no or only limited differentiation of primary cells. Upon bacterial infection, we detected differences in bacterial localization and penetration, cytotoxicity and levels off cytokine secretion.Conclusions: Comparing exchangeability of culture systems are essential to ensure reproducibility in experiments before changing components. Choice of culture system may severely influence both disease modeling and host-microbe interaction studies. Several inserts did not support differentiation of primary CF cells, this limits our ability to model CF airways in vitro, and may have severe negative impact on future CF research